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Title: 123 Days Left This Year

Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90:12

Time and urgency are taught throughout the Bible! Did you know that there are 123 days left this year? What are you going to accomplish in these 123 days? Are you making good use of the time that GOD has given to you? Are you going to win souls? Are you going to love and pour into other people? Are you going to start that Ministry or Business that JESUS has placed in your heart? Are you going to be used to heal the sick and to deliver hurt people from the enemy? Will you love and know JESUS more intimately than ever before?

A friend and I were eating at a restaurant in NYC. By GOD’s grace, we were able to pray with 2 waitresses to give their lives to JESUS. We then were in a little bit of a hurry to leave, as we planned on being somewhere. As we were walking out, I noticed a man that GOD intensely put on my heart. I stopped, started talking with him, and he was going through a very difficult time in his life. I encouraged him and prayed with him to give his life to JESUS! There is a thought that so frequently comes to my mind and heart - what if I never see that person again and what if they never hear the Good News of JESUS again. I always want to be obedient to The HOLY SPIRIT!


A heartfelt suggestion: Spend time in prayer (as long as it takes) and reading the Bible to get clarity from LORD about the direction of your life. Set long term goals and set short term goals. Get your Calendar and Finances in order. Remove every distraction (If you’re spending more time on Social Media than prayer and studying The Bible - it is a distraction). Rejoice and do Only what The HOLY SPIRIT is telling you to do! JESUS is with us! It’s time to share HIM with others!