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4 Disciplines That Will Transform Your Life  

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Acts 2:42  

One morning I was listening to a great message by R.W. Schambach, then spent time with my wife and son, many times we eat together, and also had spent time in the WORD and in prayer. As I went out for a short time before starting work, I was able to pray with about 7 people to either give their life to JESUS or for some need in their life. All praise to JESUS! Listening to HOLY SPIRIT filled teaching, fellowshipping, eating together, and prayer all are wonderful disciplines that will set you up for success. These 4 wonderful disciplines helped me to be focused on JESUS and to stay focused on HIS work.  

As children of GOD, it is so important for us to live like the apostles lived and we will get what the apostles got. As we read the Gospel Accounts and the Book of Acts, the Bible gives us an example of how we are to live with the right motivations and completely led by the HOLY SPIRIT. It is important that we don’t live a certain way just because it has become a religious habit. We must live by the WORD of GOD – by the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD!  

Action Point

Evaluate these 4 areas of your life. Are you listening to GOD’s WORD be taught regularly? And who are you listening to? Are they filled with the HOLY SPIRIT and teaching as anointed of GOD? Are you fellowshipping with other believers on a regular and frequent basis? Are you eating together with other believers regularly? Do you have a frequent and consistent prayer life, individually and collectively with other believers? I can assure you that if these four areas of your life are healthy and led of the HOLY SPIRIT, it will transform your life for the good! Rejoice and share GOD’s love with someone today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

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