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A Blessing For The Bride / A Warning To The Wicked  

I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me on every side. Arise, Lord! Deliver me, my God! Strike all my enemies on the jaw; break the teeth of the wicked. From the Lord comes deliverance. May your blessing be on your people. Psalm 3:6-8  

I have been tremendously blessed by listening to Archbishop Benson Idahosa, who was greatly used by GOD in Nigeria and throughout the world (I would recommend listening to some past Messages). There is an Account of witches and wizards around the world who were planning to have one of the largest ever conferences for “witches” in the world (nearly 9800) in the area where Dr. Idahosa lived in Nigeria. When Idahosa found out about it, he took authority over the enemy and cancelled the Meeting - in JESUS’ NAME! Idahosa said the meeting is cancelled. However, the lead wizard said that no one could stop the meeting. On National Television, Idahosa confronted the “wizard”, the “wizard” backed down to the man of GOD and even denied being a “wizard”. The “wizard” came the next day to Idahosa’s Office to get a Bible. The President of Nigeria, after watching the Television program, sent a message to all of the embassies to not allow one witch or wizard into Nigeria! All praise to JESUS!  

I believe that this year is going to be a year of great blessing for GOD’s people, who are seeking JESUS and who are involved in GOD’s work of winning souls. Will there be challenges? Yes! Do we have to make a stand? Yes! Will there come persecution? It’s already here! However, GOD strikes our enemies on the jaw! GOD breaks the teeth of the wicked! From The LORD comes deliverance! I believe that this will be a very difficult year for many who the enemy is using to stand against JESUS and the Gospel.  

Action Point

We are to love JESUS and to love people! Make a decision today to live completely for JESUS and for souls - EVERYDAY! Pray for the Body of CHRIST! Pray for those who are lost to be saved! Pray for the wicked to repent and come to JESUS! My friend, now is your time to stand up and to do what GOD has called you to do - without fear and without limitations! Pray, yield to The HOLY SPIRIT, and be intentional about blessing someone today!  

I pray that this is a miraculous week for you! JESUS is with you!

Your friend

Evangelist Tyler Sain

To Partner:

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