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A Call To Holiness  

Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God. 2 Corinthians 7:1  

As I have looked back over great Revivals and Spiritual Awakenings, there were some main Truths that were very evident. One of these Truths was a strong movement to live a holy life. I talked to a man just recently and prayed with him to give his life to JESUS! When I started talking with him, he almost immediately began telling me about his fear of the LORD to give into temptation. It really amazed me. I believe that we are approaching another Great Spiritual Awakening. GOD is calling all of us to live a holy life!  

Is there a sin or habit in your life that is keeping you from prayer and the power of GOD? Are you given to lust? Do you have a habit of entertaining gossip? Maybe it’s not a sin, but it is some entertainment that is simply a distraction from living for JESUS and souls? Whatever it is, take authority over it and get it out of your life. Now is the time to live in freedom and in the fullness of the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire!  

Action Point

The only way to live a holy life is by the working of the HOLY SPIRIT in your life! Pray and make a decision today to remove from your life everything and every habit that is taking your focus away from JESUS and the souls of people! Make a decision to yield to the HOLY SPIRIT and embrace HIS power in your life! Rejoice, my friend! JESUS can work miracles through your life today!  

GOD bless you abundantly!!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

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