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A GODly Mom Can Lead To Great Miracles  

My son, obey your father’s commands, and don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. Proverbs 6:20  

Happy Birthday Mom!! It’s my Mom’s Birthday today! I am so thankful to JESUS for giving me a GOD-given mom and dad! They recently visited with us in NJ, while I was in Kenya, Africa. We wanted to do something special for my mother, so we ordered her gifts that were delivered today. Even though I’m about 10 hours away (by car), I was able to see a picture of the gentleman who was making the delivery. GOD put him on my heart, so I got in contact with him over the phone. By GOD’s grace, I was able to pray over the phone for him to trust in JESUS CHRIST! It was also a blessing to pray for healing for someone in his family. Wow, only JESUS can do that!  

Do you have a GODly mom or dad in your life? Do you have a GODly mentor, leader, or friend in your life? Do you have a spiritual mom or dad in your life? It’s so important that we honor our parents and those who have helped us spiritually. A parent who encourages a child to follow JESUS can help produce great miracles, as The HOLY SPIRIT works through them!  

Action Point

Make it a priority to be consistent in honoring and encouraging parents and those who have blessed you in The LORD! Take a moment to encourage a parent, a pastor, a friend, an evangelist, or someone whom JESUS has used powerfully in your life! And if you are not mentoring someone, pray and ask GOD to bring the right person into your life whom JESUS can impact through you! Share JESUS with someone today!  

Have a great weekend! GOD bless you, my friend!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

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