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TITLE: A Good Idea Or A GOD Idea?

Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Psalm 127:1a

John G. Lake was used very powerfully by GOD in the early 1900s to shake nations with the Good News of JESUS and to start more than 500 effective Churches throughout South Africa and throughout the world. He was a successful business man in America. JESUS touched him and he gave everything for GOD’s purposes. When he received a WORD from the LORD to go to South Africa as a Missionary, he didn’t have enough money “in the natural” to get there. However, he, his wife, and 7 children went based on what GOD had spoken. While they were traveling, GOD spoke to a woman in South Africa to give a missionary coming to America a large, fully furnished house to start Ministry. After they arrived in South Africa, they received a fully furnished home, thousands of souls came to JESUS, multitudes were miraculously healed, and around 700 Churches were started. He was following what GOD had spoken!

Are you being moved by your emotions or the needs of people? Are you being moved by what you think may be a good idea? Or, are you moving by what GOD has spoken? Are you moving because you have heard from JESUS what HE wants you to do? There is a BIG difference!


There are many needs in the world. However, not every need is for you to meet. Have an Appointment with JESUS every day where you read HIS WORD, spend time in prayer talking with HIM, hear his voice, and then follow what the HOLY SPIRIT has instructed you to do. My friend, the most joyful life to live is a life in constant communion and in fellowship with JESUS! Talk to the HOLY SPIRIT all throughout the day following GOD’s ideas and not just good ideas.

Have a great day and GOD bless you!