A Key To Freedom

So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ. Romans 10:17

Yesterday was such a miraculous day. As I was driving to the store, I noticed a man standing outside of a building. When I drove past, GOD so strongly put him on my heart. I turned around, got out the car, and started a conversation. Another man has just pulled up, as well. We had some great conversation and I was able to share with them the Good News of JESUS! They both prayed with me to give their lives to JESUS and to be born-again! All praise to JESUS!

Do you long to be free? Are you lacking joy and freedom in some area of your life? My friend, JESUS wants you to be free and HE gave HIS life to set you free! Everything that we need is in an understanding of what JESUS has already done! It’s more forgiveness we need, it’s more revelation we need concerning what JESUS has already done! Hallelujah!


The supernatural ability to consistently believe GOD, to trust GOD and to live in freedom is found in HEARING THE WORD OF CHRIST! The more you read the WORD of CHRIST, hear the WORD of CHRIST preached, and understand the finished work of JESUS - the more freedom you can walk in. In simplicity, the better you know what JESUS has already provided for you - the more freedom you will experience in life!

Keep sharing JESUS! Have a great day! GOD bless!