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A Requirement For Miracles

40Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” John 11:40

It’s really amazing to me how GOD’s timing is always perfect. Nothing is difficult for JESUS! I live expecting miracles to take place in my life on a daily basis, not because of anything of me, but because of JESUS and what HE desires to do! My son and I went to get some regular maintenance done to one of our vehicles. At that location, 3 people prayed to trust in JESUS. GOD spoke to me about one of the people with whom we prayed. I know that this person was going through an intense season of life. Then, when we got home, there was a young man walking his dog who also prayed to give his life to JESUS! One of the greatest miracles is when someone gives his or her life to JESUS and GOD makes them into a completely new person. However, none of this happened because of anything that we did. All of this happened because of JESUS and faith in HIM. Faith is a requrement for miracles!

Do want to experience what only GOD can do in your life? Do you want to experience miracles on a daily basis? You must be living by faith in JESUS! A simple definition of faith is taking GOD at HIS WORD and then acting accordingly out of obedience by the working of the HOLY SPIRIT. Remember, everything in the Christian life is by grace and through faith. Our GODly actions are a result of acting in faith. Don’t settle for anything less than what GOD’s WORD says that you can experience!

Action Point

What are you believing GOD to do in your life? Read GOD’s WORD, pray and get an understanding of what GOD can do and is willing to do. Once you understand GOD’s WORD, then simply day by day act upon that WORD and consider it done. I share the Good News of JESUS because I know that GOD commands us to, HE can and HE is willing to use my life. I pray for the sick and many times see them healed because I know that it is always GOD’s will to heal as taught in Scripture. It’s nothing because of us – it’s all because of JESUS and what HE has done for us! Take all of the focus off of yourself today and focus on JESUS and WHO HE is in and through you! Let’s live by faith and expect miracles every day!

GOD bless you, my friend!