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A Satisfied Christian Full Of Joy  

From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled; with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied. Proverbs 18:20  

I was working in the yard and I had our son with me. I noticed a “door to door” salesman. He then came to our door. Right when I saw him, GOD very strongly put him on my heart. It was truly a Divine Appointment from JESUS! I spoke to him some things that GOD had placed in my heart for him. I prayed with him to dedicate his life to JESUS and the HOLY SPIRIT touched him in a powerful way! What a joy being involved in GOD’s work! JESUS gets all of the glory!  

Are you a truly joyous Christian? Or are you very often discouraged and pessimistic? Are you satisfied at the end of each day? Or are you just making through? Read this carefully! What you speak to GOD, to yourself and to others has a Huge impact on your life, your joy and your contentment. You and I will eat the fruit of what we speak!  

Action Point

Pray that the HOLY SPIRIT would cause all of your speech today to be HIM in and through you! Listen and think before you speak. Speak what the WORD says. Speak as led by the HOLY SPIRIT! Speak TRUTH! Speak encouragement! See how you can speak life into someone today! Let’s expect what only JESUS can do!

GOD bless you!

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