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A Supernatural Schedule  

Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Acts 8:4  

My wife, son and I had an appointment to go to in the morning. Then we stopped somewhere to pick up something to eat. I then had to take care of a lot of things concerning the Ministry. As we went throughout the day, I was able to pray for at least 7 people either to trust in JESUS or for something specific in their lives. JESUS touched people in a powerful way as we were simply taking care of things and going about our schedule for the day. When your focus is on JESUS and the souls of people, you can live with a supernatural schedule. JESUS gets all of the praise!  

What are you really accomplishing each day? Are you just trying to get through a to-do list or are you looking at the desperate people around you who need to hear the WORD of JESUS through you? Are you enjoying each day as GOD works through you to bless others or are you anxious each day because of everything that needs to be done? My friend, no matter what your schedule may be, GOD wants to work through you to bring life to others. Let GOD make your schedule into a supernatural schedule!  

Action Point

Surrender your schedule each day to JESUS and ask GOD to make you sensitive to the people around you who need to be encouraged and hear the Good News of JESUS. Then look for opportunities throughout the day to bless others! Remember, there is nothing wrong with getting things done quickly and with excellence. However, don’t let your work distract you from being focused on JESUS and precious people coming to know HIM! GOD can work through you in a very powerful way!  

GOD bless you!

#souls #JESUS #revival #neverstop #spiritualawakening