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A Sure Way To Live Satisfied Each Day  

Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Colossians 4:2-3  

Yesterday, my son and I were spending the day together and I had a lot of work to get done with ministry and at home. GOD put on my heart about 6 years ago to not let an entire day go by without sharing the GOOD NEWS of JESUS or praying with at least one person. We drove to a store nearby. One gentleman who was walking to his car and about to leave prayed to trust in JESUS! Another couple who was about to leave prayed to trust in JESUS! Then, we were able to talk with a lady in the parking lot who also prayed to trust in JESUS and LORD and SAVIOR! Hallelujah! Only GOD can do that!  

As followers of JESUS CHRIST, to live a satisfied life, it is so important that we do what the WORD of GOD says! I don’t know of anyone who has been greatly used of GOD who has not had these 3 characteristics. 1. They lived a life of prayer. 2. They lived a life of thankfulness. 3. They consistently shared JESUS with others!  

Action Point

Take this challenge for one week! This challenge is for you - no matter what field of work you are in! 1. Pray for at least 30 minutes and then talk with the HOLY SPIRIT throughout the day. 2. Express thanksgiving to GOD throughout the day. 3. Share JESUS with at least one person each day. The only way you will feel satisfied is if you are doing exactly what GOD has called you to do! Don’t worry about the opinions of others! Rejoice and do what JESUS has called you to do!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

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