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A Warning For Those Who Come Against What GOD Is Doing  

But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.” Acts 5:39  

When faced with demon possessed cases, you don’t simply pray in a nice way for the demon to leave, you take authority over that demonic spirit in JESUS’ NAME and command it to leave! I remember multiple times when faced with demon-possessed cases. In another country, I’ve seen multiple people in a large crowd hit the ground while praying for demons to leave, then stand up completely delivered. I was once on a subway in NYC and was going to pray with a lady. When I approached her she literally fell to the ground. I prayed for her. Then prayed with her a prayer to give her life to JESUS! And there have also been many times after someone has opposed what GOD is doing that life gets very difficult for them very quickly. GOD protects HIS Body and nothing of hell can prevail against the Church!  

It is very important for children of GOD to pattern their lives after the LORD JESUS CHRIST and the disciples in the Book of Acts. Many time what is “politically correct” is not “Biblically correct”. My friend, we need to understand that GOD protects HIS Church and nothing shall ever stand against what GOD is doing! Let me make it clear. We are not fighting against people. We are fighting for people and their eternal life. However, it is important that we are living what the Bible says and supporting what GOD is doing!  

Action Point

If you are a believer, be very careful to not speak negative about or come against something that GOD is doing. If you are not sure about it, then pray about it. Look for good fruit and right motives. If people are being taught to live like JESUS and souls are coming to JESUS, then it is something that GOD is doing! The methods may be different than what you thought. However, GOD is not limited by your plans. If you are not a believer, then I would recommend giving your life to JESUS as quickly as possible and begin experiencing GOD’s best for your life. However, I highly recommend to not come against what GOD is doing – for you will never succeed. Let’s rejoice and encourage someone wherever you are today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #JESUS #spiritualawakening #revival #moveforward