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All Focus On JESUS  

By faith in the name of Jesus, this man whom you see and know was made strong. It is Jesus’ name and the faith that comes through him that has completely healed him, as you can all see. Acts 3:16  

About 5 years ago, God put in my heart to share the Gospel and/or pray with at least 1 person every day. No matter how busy I am, I am committed to what JESUS has placed my spirit. Today, before writing this devotional, God put in my heart to go to a specific gas station. While I was there, 2 of the workers gave their lives to JESUS! One man was very receptive and very thankful. There was also a lady who was pregnant. She not only gave her life to Jesus, but I was able to pray for the birth of her second precious child. A wonderful truth in this amazing encounter is that it was nothing because of me. It was all because of JESUS and He alone gets all of the glory!  

What challenge are you facing today? Do you need clarity in a specific area of your life? Do you need a miracle to take place? Are you sick in your body or tormented in your mind? My friend, don’t cater to religion and feel like you have to do 5 steps for this or 6 steps for that. Take your focus off of everything and everyone around you and put your focus solely upon the Lord Jesus Christ Who loves you! Talk to Him as your God, your Father, and your Friend. Everything that you need is found in relationship with Jesus Christ!  

Action Point

Pray. Look up Scriptures that speak about whatever issue you are facing. Spend time in prayer. Pray in the Spirit (in tongues). If you still need clarity or direction after you have spent time in the Word of God and in prayer, then go to a Godly pastor or friend who will show you how your answer is found in Jesus Christ. God is teaching you to live out of your spirit and not out of your mind. Sometimes what God desires to do in and through your life will not make sense to your mind, but you can rejoice and expect miracles when you live out of your spirit by the HOLY SPIRIT!  

Expect God’s best! God bless you!

#souls #spiritualawakening #revival