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Always In Prayer  

Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless. With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies. Psalm 60:11-12  

We are so thankful for all that JESUS is doing through the Evangelistic Ministry and now the precious people that GOD is bringing to the Church in Staten Island that we will be officially launching in April! However, one of the great joys of my life is having our boys with me and of course all that JESUS will do through them! Yesterday, running errands, we were able to pray with 4 younger men and all were such Divine Appointments from the LORD! 1 young man prayed at the car wash. 2 young men prayed at the grocery store. Another young man prayed to trust in JESUS where we picked up food! It’s so important to me that I’m always in an attitude prayer and being led of The HOLY SPIRIT! I desperately need JESUS for everything!  

Where do you go for help? Where do you go to make decisions? Where do you go for joy? Where do you go for peace? Where do you go for healing? Where do you go when you face challenges? My friend, IT IS SO IMPORTANT that we are constantly going to JESUS for everything that we need (what seems small and what seems major)!  


Make a decision today to turn all of your hope and attention on JESUS! Turn away from all of the “help” that is centered around human thinking and is not grounded in the WORD of GOD! Let me be clear - GOD definitely works through people. However, if you are spending time listening to anyone who is not pointing you to JESUS - run from them quickly! My friend - everything that you need is found in The LORD JESUS CHRIST! Rejoice today - and encourage someone to stop relying on human help - and to turn to JESUS!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain