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 Always Ready  

Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 2 Timothy 4:2  

Just recently, I left the Office in NYC and was making my way to the Parking Garage. There was intense rain and flooding in NYC and NJ. As I was walking, I noticed a lady who had fell on the sidewalk and her head was hanging over the sidewalk. There were a couple of men helping as the rain was pouring. One man called an ambulance and I waited to help. As the ambulance got to the scene, I told them where the lady was on the sidewalk. As they picked the lady up and got her into the Ambulance, I knew that my work was still not done. I asked to go into the ambulance so that I could pray for the lady and the EMT workers. Shortly after, we all prayed together a prayer of salvation to trust in JESUS as LORD and SAVIOR. The lady was in tears. Her health was important; however, their souls are much more important! Only JESUS could do that!  

Can you remember the last time when you faced a situation for which you were not ready? Maybe it was a sudden phone call or sudden news? Maybe a situation at work? Maybe a situation in your family? Maybe simply a sudden attack against your mind? As believers in JESUS CHRIST, you and I must always be ready to do what GOD has called us to do! We must be in prayer and relying on the HOLY SPIRIT! We must be ready to speak and show that JESUS and HIS WORD is the answer to every situation! We must always be ready to make a stand for the Gospel of the LORD JESUS CHRIST!  

Action Point

Take time to pray today! Ask GOD to make you ready for every situation today as you trust in HIM! Look for an opportunity to bless someone, encourage someone or share JESUS with someone today!  

Let’s expect miracles! GOD bless you!