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I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. Psalm 119:15

We were recently in California for a Wedding and I was helping to officiate. It was beautiful, miraculous, and the presence of the LORD was definitely there! While we were staying at a hotel close by, the fire alarm went off. People exited the hotel. As we got outside, there was about 25 in the Cleaning Crew standing in a circle who prayed to trust in JESUS. It was a PERFECT opportunity. I talked with them, shared the Good News, and they prayed in unison to trust in JESUS CHRIST as their Lord and Savior! I always want to be in fellowship and conversation with the HOLY SPIRIT because I always want to ready for every opportunity!

Are you ready if GOD gave you what you have been asking him for? Are you ready, at any and every moment, to share the Good News of JESUS? Are you Always ready to pray? Are you Always ready to pray for the sick? Are you Always ready to encourage someone?


Make a decision to live a life of prayer and meditating on GOD’s WORD! My strong suggestion is to remove every distraction that is taking precious time away from spending time with JESUS and doing what HE has called you to do! My friend, this life is short! We may not have a lot of time! It’s time to get serious and make your life count for the Kingdom of GOD! Live for JESUS and souls! Stay in prayer and be Always Ready in every situation - giving all glory to JESUS!

Have a great day and GOD bless you!