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An Urgency In The Message  

With many other words he testified, and he urged them, “Be saved from this corrupt generation.” Acts 2:40  

I remember one day while I was working a friend had been trying to get in touch with me by phone. I saw her name come up on my phone and I answered. She was with her dying mother and she wanted me to pray with her mother to receive JESUS. As I was praying with her mother a prayer to give her life to JESUS, she passed away. My friend had prayed with her mother before to trust in JESUS. I really hope that she had truly given her life to JESUS. There is also another friend I know who passed away during this past season. It had been an honor to pray with him to give his life to JESUS! There are so many more who need to be saved!  

Is there an urgency in you that your family, friends, coworkers, and people around give their lives to JESUS? How desperate are you that those around you come to know JESUS? When you really begin to think about the “bigger picture” of what life is all about, you begin to understand that it’s all about JESUS and souls coming to HIM. We are not going to take any of our possessions with us to heaven; however, by GOD working through us, we can take people with us to heaven!  

Action Point

Make a list of the people in your life who desperately need to give their lives to JESUS. Make it a point to set a time each day to pray for them. If you are physically able, fast for them for a day or two. Reach out to them consistently sharing with them how much you love them and sharing with them how JESUS can save them and transform the lives. Heaven is a real place for eternity. Hell is a real place for eternity. We want to take as many people to heaven as we can. Live with an urgency today as you share the Good News of JESUS!  

GOD bless you, my friend!    

#souls #revival #spiritual awakening