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Are People Glorifying GOD Because Of You?  

And they were glorifying God because of me. Galatians 1:24  

For many years, an intense desire of my heart is that people are drawn to JESUS and then closer to JESUS, by The HOLY SPIRIT working in and through my life. If you look at men and women who have been used by GOD to touch their generation, there has been an intense desire for people to know JESUS and then to be drawn closer to JESUS! Even yesterday, just a simple stop at the gas station touched a young man for eternity! He prayed to give his life to JESUS and it’s amazing what GOD could do in and through his life! JESUS gets all of the praise!  

Are people being drawn to JESUS and closer to JESUS through your life? Are you living just to get a paycheck and to make it through the day? Or are you living a focused life for JESUS and souls - doing what GOD has called you to do? Are you criticizing? Or are you encouraging?  


Make a decision today to have every conversation to be full of JESUS! Pray and think about how you can share JESUS with someone. Pray and think about someone that you can call or text and encourage in their walk with The LORD! Move forward with great joy doing what GOD has called you to do! Then, be sure to always give JESUS all of the glory!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain