Are You Building Up or Breaking Down?

Each of us should please our neighbors for their good, to build them up. Romans 15:2

Yesterday was absolutely miraculous - with many Divine Appointments from GOD! As my sons and I were driving, GOD put on my heart to stop at a store along the way. There was a large group of men standing outside. I got quickly out of the car and started a conversation. Shortly after, I prayed with many of them to give their lives to JESUS! No matter what people look like on the outside - by GOD’s grace, I always want to see people as who they can become with JESUS!

Are you constantly looking at the best in people? Or, are you frequently pointing out their faults and gossiping? Do you see people as who they can become with JESUS? Or, are you constantly looking at the struggles people have in the now? I’m so thankful that JESUS pursued me - even when I wasn’t pursuing HIM! It’s all by the GRACE of GOD!


Pray and ask GOD to bring someone to your heart who you can reach out to and encourage today. By GOD’s grace, seek to live daily in a place of prayer, obedience to the HOLY SPIRIT, and always looking for ways to bless someone, a group of people, or even an entire generation! My friend, JESUS can use you to bring life everywhere you go!

Have a great day and GOD bless you!