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Are You Expecting Miracles Every Day?  

Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. Acts 2:43  

I remember once in New York City when I prayed with a young man with crutches. As I was walking away from the Times Square Area in NYC, I noticed a young man with crutches. GOD put in my heart to go back and pray for him as JESUS was going to heal him. A friend and I approached him and talked with him and another young man. By GOD’s grace, they both prayed to trust JESUS as Lord and Savior! I asked the man with crutches if he believed that GOD could heal him. I then asked if he believed that GOD wanted to heal him. I then asked if he believed that GOD would him in in this moment. He eventually said yes. I prayed for him, took the crutches away and he walked around completely healed. After people saw what happened, others began to come up for prayer. Only JESUS can do that!  

Are you expecting miracles to take place in and through your life on a daily basis? JESUS is still performing miracles today! If you are a child of GOD and focused on JESUS and the souls of people, you should go forth expecting miracles to take place everywhere GOD sends you! In the Book of Acts, miracles were a frequent occurrence as it shows that JESUS is the One and Only True Living GOD and HE is alive today!  

Action Point

Look through the Gospel Accounts today (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) and see all the miracles that JESUS performed. Then meditate on the Scripture found in John 14:12, “Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” JESUS can and desires to perform miracles through your life!  

Rejoice today, my friend! GOD bless you!

#souls #revival #spiritualawakening