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Are You Focused On What’s Most Important?

He said to them: “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has set by his own authority. But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:7-8

My son and I went to a Diner to get some good breakfast. I enjoy eating at Diners and being around people. As we walked in, there were 2 people that prayed to trust in JESUS! There was a man we sat near who prayed to rededicate his life to JESUS! There was a waitress who prayed to trust in JESUS! There was man who was helping to clean the tables who prayed to give his life to JESUS! And as we were leaving a table of 3 prayed with us to trust in JESUS! We also had some amazing pancakes and an excellent omelette. Food is great. However, my focus is not on food. Our focus is on JESUS and the souls of people! All praise to JESUS!

Where is your focus today? Are you focused on having a successful career? Are focused on making a lot of money? Are you focused on the next vehicle or the next fun experience? As a child of GOD, we are called to focus on JESUS and the souls of people! This life is very short here upon the earth and we need to live for what is most important for eternity! When you begin to live this way, you will experience more love, more joy, more peace, more power, more miracles, more favor, and more strength than ever before. There will be opposition. However, JESUS is greater than all opposition and HE is with you!

Action Point

Take some time to write down your top 5 priorities in life. What do you think most about? What do you set your eyes upon? What are you listening to throughout the day? What do you talk about most often? Make a decision today to make JESUS and HIS work upon the earth for the souls of people as primary importance in your life! If you make JESUS and souls priority in your life, then seek to get your family involved in living for JESUS and for the souls of people. It will be absolutely miraculous what GOD will do! Let’s expect miracles today and what only JESUS can do!

GOD bless you, my friend!