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Are You Going To Reach Out or Stay Back?

Then Jesus, moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, “I am willing; be cleansed.” As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him, and he was cleansed. Mark 1:41-42  

Just recently, I was praying for someone who needing healing in a certain area of their body. I prayed for them and laid hands on them. Within a couple of days, this person was completely healed! The Bible teaches us, “they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” So, by the HOLY SPIRIT, that’s what I’m going to do (pandemic or no pandemic)! All praise to JESUS!

Did you know that GOD desires to work through you to bring Good News and healing to the people around you? Did you know that JESUS desires to work through you to bring healing to those who most people would not even reach out to? As a child of GOD, it is so important to not get caught up in the world’s way of thinking (self-focus). It doesn’t matter what is happening around the world (pandemic or no pandemic)! We live by what the WORD of GOD and by the HOLY SPIRIT! It’s better to obey GOD, rather than man!

Action Point

Ask GOD to lead you to someone who can pray for today. Think of someone who maybe the world has given up on and give them a call today. Pray for a burden for those who are hurting and a boldness to pray for any person that JESUS places on your heart! Let’s expect miracles my friend! Are you going to reach out or stay back?

GOD bless you!