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Are You Ready? RUN Now!  

But the day of the Lord will come like a thief. The heavens will disappear with a roar; the elements will be destroyed by fire, and the earth and everything done in it will be laid bare. 2 Peter 3:10  

With the recent birth of 2 more baby boys, there were so many miracles that took place! During around the time we went to the hospital and were leaving the hospital as a family of 5, there were around 60 people pray to trust in JESUS – including many who worked in the hospital! JESUS gets all of the praise! An amazing story concerning Reinhardt (I’ll share about Gideon in the next Devotional) touched me so much! One of the nurses who helped take care of Reinhardt was from Nigeria. Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke had a miraculous ministry in Africa and millions of salvations in Nigeria. Also, one of the nursing managers had the maiden name Reinhardt (the exact spelling of our son) and the anniversary of her mom’s passing was October 3rd. She also prayed to trust in JESUS! GOD has many ways to let us know that we are at the right place, at the right time, and for the right purpose!  

My friend, it is an Absolute FACT that the LORD JESUS CHRIST is coming again! Are you ready? Is your family ready? Are your friends ready? Are your co-workers ready? Have you done what GOD has placed in your heart to do? There is an outpouring of the HOLY SPIRIT today and GOD wants to work through you in such a powerful way! Don’t let anything hold you back!  

Action Point

Pray and let go of everything negative from the past. My suggestion to you is to look at 2 very important areas of your life: 1. Your prayer life and 2. Your preaching life (no matter what area of life your serve in – all of us can share the Good News and love of JESUS with those around us). Schedule out a time to pray and spend time in the WORD each day. Then, get up, rejoice and do what GOD has called you to do! Share JESUS with someone today! With JESUS – the Best is yet to come for you!  

Run Now! GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

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