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Be Bold With Love  

Peter looked straight at him, as did John. Then Peter said, “Look at us!” So the man gave them his attention, expecting to get something from them. Acts 3:4-5  

I was recently traveling and was staying at a hotel. After a Meeting, I got in late to the hotel. I noticed a man and God instantly placed in my heart to speak with him. I said, “God bless you”! This man was instantly frozen. I started talking with him and he was going through one of the most difficult times in his life. He was facing issues with family, children, suicidal thoughts, and deep depression. I had to be bold with love while speaking with him as Jesus has amazing plans for his life and suicide is not an option. Shortly after, he was in tears and dedicated his life to Jesus Christ! His entire countenance changed as he had an encounter with God! All praise to Jesus!  

What situation are you facing today? What challenge do you need to confront? Has God place in your heart something that He wants you to do? What are you waiting for? As a child of God, it’s important that we don’t shy away from confronting people, situations and challenges that Jesus allows into our lives! We can be bold with love and expect God to work a miracle as we are led by the Holy Spirit and living for Jesus and the souls of people! Expect God’s best as He lives through you!  

Action Point  

Make a list of 3 people and/or challenges that you need to confront this week. Pray and ask the Holy Spirit how He wants you move forward. Then, move forward doing exactly what Jesus leads you to do! Expect a miracle to take place as you rely on the Holy Spirit. Remember, we don’t live by formulas. We live by a living and continual relationship with Jesus by being in constant communion with the Holy Spirit! Rejoice my friend, God is going to do something powerful through you!  

GOD bless you!

#spiritualawakening #revival #souls