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Be Careful Who You Are Listening To!  

From the mouth of the righteous comes the fruit of wisdom, but a perverse tongue will be silenced. Proverbs 10:31  

Yesterday, before starting work, I was able to pray with 4 precious people to trust in JESUS! There was a older couple who prayed. There was a lady at Wal-Mart who prayed and she expressed how much she needed that. Then, there was a brother at Target. On the way home, it was a great blessing to talk with a longtime mentor, Evangelist and Pastor in his 80s. The presence of The HOLY SPIRIT was so strong in the conversation. I listen closely to what he says, as I know that there is a great wisdom from righteous men of GOD! I also know that I will keep on speaking and sharing JESUS because The HOLY SPIRIT works through his people to speak and set people free! All praise to JESUS!  

Who are you listening to? Are you listening to anointed preaching or foolish short videos on Social Media? Are you listening to The HOLY SPIRIT in prayer or the worldly news? Are you listening to men and women of GOD or the opinions of others and gossip? It is so important that we intentionally listen to those who are Godly, righteous, and are following The HOLY SPIRIT!  

Action Point

Take an inventory on what and who you are listening to on a daily and weekly basis. Pray and ask JESUS for a list of people and Ministries to listen to! My suggestion is to keep the list of people short. Listen to those whom The HOLY SPIRIT is leading you to. Turn off all of the voices of the enemy, negativity, and those voices that are trying to discourage you! Listen to the right people and keep speaking about JESUS everywhere GOD sends you!  

GOD bless you powerful today!

Evangelist Tyler Sain