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Be Consistent - Not Up And Down

The one who has knowledge uses words with restraint, and whoever has understanding is even-tempered. Proverbs 17:27

One common trait of men and women who have been used by GOD to transform generations - is that nearly all have been calm and even-tempered. At the Service yesterday, it was amazing as people were so touched and the power of GOD was very present to save and heal! Before the Service, I was standing outside and noticed 3 people walking up the Street. JESUS put them so strongly on my heart to talk with them. I also had our twins with me. They were so touched, prayed to trust in JESUS, and will most likely be in Church next Sunday! It’s so important that I am consistent in loving JESUS, loving people and sharing JESUS with others. It is a lifestyle. All praise to JESUS!

Are you consistent? Or does your attitude go up and down? Are you consistent? Or are you one way at home and another way around people? Are you living a lifestyle led by The HOLY SPIRIT? Or are you participating in things that you know are wrong?


If you want to be consistent daily - it comes from knowledge and understanding of the WORD of GOD! The HOLY SPIRIT will teach you The WORD and HE will give you understanding so that you know what to do in every situation! Make a decision today to have a consistent time each day where you read The WORD, understand The WORD, and yield to The HOLY SPIRIT’s guidance for your life! My friend, JESUS can use you to work miracles and to bless people - Every Day!

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain