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Be Encouraged When The Battle Comes Against Your Mind  

The following night the Lord stood near Paul and said, “Take courage! As you have testified about me in Jerusalem, so you must also testify in Rome.” Acts 23:11  

Battles come to us all! They may come in different ways or look different at times - however, all of us will face battles! The Good News is that JESUS has won every battle and we can rely on HIM to walk in victory in and through every challenge!   Yesterday was so amazing as our 3 boys and I had a great day together. The HOLY SPIRIT told me to go to a specific car wash. There was a young man cleaning his car and GOD told me that this is the person. I parked, started a conversation, and it was miraculous. He gave his life to JESUS! JESUS gets all of the praise!

Something that has helped me tremendously over the years is praying for others and becoming aware of Christian persecution throughout the world.  


My friend, if you live somewhere where you can worship JESUS freely - without great persecution - you are blessed. Now, in a sense, Christian’s are persecuted throughout the world at times - even in America. No matter what you are facing today - think of how you can pray and be blessing for someone else. Then, I would encourage you to read about Christian Persecution in another Country and take time to pray for your brothers and sisters in that location. We are on the winning side - keep moving forward - JESUS is with you!  

GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain