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TITLE: Be The Example

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace. Ephesians 4:3

Today has been absolutely miraculous! I have been running some errands to get ready for tomorrow, as we are traveling. It has been amazing that nearly every stop there has been someone who needed JESUS! I prayed with 10 people and 4 of them prayed to give their lives to JESUS! (The other 6 were believers) Not only has it been an exciting day, but it’s also been a day of great peace! All praise to JESUS!

Are you at peace? Are you walking from a place of victory? Or, does it feel like you are constantly missing something? Are you thanking JESUS for what HE has already done? When you are yielding to the HOLY SPIRIT and staying in fellowship with JESUS, you should remain in perfect peace. There can be chaos all around you; however, you are not affected because you are in fellowship with JESUS!


Begin reading Ephesians 1-3. Begin praising and thanking JESUS for what HE has already done! We have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in CHRIST JESUS! We have been forgiven! We have been chosen! We have been redeemed! We have been transformed! We have been healed! We do have the HOLY SPIRIT living within us! We have GOD’s love, joy, and peace! Lifting your voice in thanksgiving to the LORD JESUS for what HE has already done is a powerful act of faith!

Have a great weekend and GOD bless you!