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Before You Run Fast - Make Sure You Are Running The Right Way

Even zeal is no good without knowledge, and he who hurries his footsteps misses the mark. Proverbs 19:2

In today’s culture, many times people are taught to get things done very quickly and efficiently. That may be good, but only if you are doing the right things and going the right direction. There have football games where someone makes a great play, gets disoriented and then runs the wrong direction. While it may have been an amazing play, it ends being a huge mistake because he was running the wrong way!

Are you always in a hurry to get things done? Are you running the right direction? I mean, is your “getting things done” contributing to GOD’s work here upon the earth? Are people coming to JESUS? Are you growing in your relationship with JESUS? Are you building up treasure in heaven? Or are you just “getting things done” that only have an earthly value? My friend, it’s important that we are following the HOLY SPIRIT and running the right way!

Action Point

Take an inventory of your accomplishments and to-do lists over the course of a day or week. What has eternal value? And what does not? Not everyone is called to be a Pastor, Evangelist, etc. - however, everyone is called to win souls! Whether you are a school teacher, business person, stay-at-home mom, preacher, student, construction worker, etc. - JESUS can work through you to save souls and to bless people everywhere HE sends you! Run fast - but make sure you are running the right way!

Have an amazing day! GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

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