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Without wood, a fire goes out; without gossip, a conflict ceases. Proverbs 26:20  

I have been influenced by the HOLY SPIRIT through many men of GOD, some who are alive and some who have went home to be with the LORD! I remember watching an Interview with Rev. Kenneth Hagin Sr. and his son Kenneth Hagin Jr. GOD used Kenneth Hagin Sr. to bless many people throughout the world. Something that his son said in the interview really got my attention. He said that he never heard his dad speak negative towards another person in all of his life. Even from before hearing this interview, this has been a principle that I have always tried to maintain at all times - and it has produced much blessing to keep my heart clear, pure, and usable!  

Can you remember the last time you were in a conversation when someone began to gossip or speak negative towards someone else? This is a danger for all of us to be aware of - so that we keep our hearts pure, clean, and usable for the LORD JESUS CHRIST!  

Action Point

The next time someone begins to speak negatively of someone else, stop them and ask them if you can pray for GOD’s blessing over that person. If you are tempted with the urge to gossip about someone else, stop yourself and pray for that person. Bring SOLUTIONS, not Separations! My friend, life is too short to gossip. Let’s pray, encourage ourselves in the HOLY SPIRIT, and do something great for JESUS today! Now is the time!  

Have an amazing day! GOD bless you!!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

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