Cast It Out
35and the people went out to see what had happened. When they came to Jesus, they found the man from whom the demons had gone out, sitting at Jesus’ feet, dressed and in his right mind; and they were afraid. 36Those who had seen it told the people how the demon-possessed man had been cured. Luke 8:35-36
I was once preaching in a Gospel Crusade in India of about 12000 people. When I was preaching I could tell multiple people who were demon-possessed. After the message, I was praying with the crowd of people for salvation in JESUS CHRIST, for miraculous healing and for demons to come out, then for the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT. When I commanded the demons to come out of those precious people in JESUS’ Name, it seemed that every one of them hit the ground. Many people who were once demon-possessed were now able to lift up hands of praise to the LORD JESUS CHRIST! Hallelujah! Only JESUS can do that!
It is so important for you and I to understand the authority that we have over every enemy in the Name of JESUS! Many times we tolerate things that GOD wants us to cast out in JESUS’ Name. Many times people are bound and are in desperate need for a child of GOD to come to them and cast every demon out in the Name of JESUS.
Action Point
Look at the Ministry of JESUS in the Gospel Accounts. Look at the Ministry of JESUS through the disciples in the Book of Acts. Are you bound by some type of addiction or depression? Are you bound by some type of fear? My friend, just as Paul shook the snake off his arm into the fire, my desire for you is to take authority over everything of the enemy in your life and cast it out in JESUS’ Name! As the Bible says, “So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
Let’s walk in freedom and do what GOD has called us to do! GOD bless you!