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Change Your Thinking - Change Your Life  

Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 3 John 1:2  

Whenever you are reading the WORD of GOD and GOD reveals something to you, you can either reject it in unbelief or you can embrace the Truth and begin walking in it by The HOLY SPIRIT! When I was younger, GOD revealed to me that HE could use my life for many souls coming to JESUS. Yesterday, as I stopped at a gas station, 3 people prayed to give their lives to JESUS! I know that GOD will bring people into my life who need HIM! When GOD revealed to me that it is HIS will to heal the sick, I then began seeing people miraculously healed in different places where GOD sent me. GOD had to change my thinking, so that HE could use my life in the way HE desires! JESUS gets all of the glory!  

What do you think about mostly throughout the day? Is about money? Maybe a relationship? Maybe you’re consumed with lust? Maybe you are rehearsing things of the past? Maybe worries about the future? My friend, GOD wants you to be confident, bold, loved, and overjoyed by thinking HIS thoughts from the WORD of GOD!  


How do we change our thinking? We defeat destructive and negative thoughts by GOD’s thoughts and GOD’s Truth! These 2 Intentional Actions will help you tremendously. 1. Evaluate what you are watching and listening to. Begin watching and listening to GODly Sermons, Books, Worship, and Teachings. Remove ungodly entertainment and time-wasting videos. 2. Be intentional about reading and thinking about GOD’s WORD throughout the day. JESUS loves you and can use you powerfully!  

Have a great weekend and GOD bless you!!

Evangelist Tyler Sain