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Consistent Prayer Brings Courage And Power  

One day Peter and John were going up to the temple at the time of prayer—at three in the afternoon. Acts 3:1  

Intimate and consistent times of prayer each day alone with JESUS is one of my favorite times of each day. I receive direction, comfort, strength, courage, clarity, power, assurance, love, joy, peace, etc. when I am spending quality time with JESUS in HIS WORD and in prayer. One of the most critical times in my life many years ago was when a very influential mentor and pastor suggested that we pray together every day. We would call and pray nearly every day and GOD used this to help to understand the power of prayer. I began to understand that if my “prayer life” is healthy, then my entire life is healthy because everything we need is found in relationship with JESUS!  

What do you need in your life? Are you facing a major decision? Are you battling with thoughts in your mind? Do you need strength to face a certain person or situation in the right way? The Bible teaches that in the presence of JESUS is “joy unspeakable and full of glory.” I don’t know about you, but I want to walk with joy unspeakable and full of glory every day! I pray that you begin to understand how much JESUS loves you and all that HE desires to do in and through your life! GOD has abundant life for you!  

Action Point

My friend, let me suggest that you spend time in the WORD of GOD, spend time in prayer with JESUS, and then spend time praying with a trusted and GODly friend. If you still need clarity, fast and pray until you have the direction and clarity of the LORD! JESUS loves you and HE wants you to enjoy relationship with HIM and HE wants you to enjoy life! Let’s expect what only JESUS can do!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #spiritualawakening #revival