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Do THIS: When The Battle In Your Mind Gets Intense

But I trust in your unfailing love; my heart rejoices in your salvation. I will sing the Lord’s praise, for he has been good to me. Psalm 13:5-6

Everyone goes through very intense battles at times. If you are following JESUS and living for souls coming to JESUS, you WILL face battles in your mind! As we went about yesterday, as a family, we were able to pray with 9 people to trust in JESUS CHRIST! From a routine Doctor’s visit for the babies to a Chick-fil-a to a grocery store to where we live, it was miraculous! One fact that certain is that people are hurting nearly everywhere. There are so many young people and people of all ages who are facing extremely intense battles in their minds - and who desperately need JESUS! One encounter with JESUS can change everything!

Are you facing a battle in your mind? Are you struggling with discouraging thoughts that you’re a failure, that things won’t work out, or regret from the past? Maybe it’s what family or what others have said about you? Maybe it is with intense thoughts of loneliness? My friend, JESUS does far more than we can even ask or think! JESUS can empower you, can overwhelm with HIS love, can fill you with joy, and can give you great clarity for your life!


DO NOT give up! NEVER give up! Stop and KNOW that JESUS IS WITH YOU! Take a moment to do these 4 Acts of Faith: TRUST - REJOICE - PRAISE - THANKS 1. TRUST completely in JESUS as HE has already given you victory! 2. REJOICE that the victory is already won! 3. PRAISE JESUS that all your victory is in HIM! 4. THANK GOD that HE is working for your good!

My friend, JESUS has won!

The enemy is eternally defeated!

Rejoice and be a blessing to someone today! GOD bless you!!

Evangelist Tyler Sain