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Do You Have A Cry?  

The Lord heard Elijah’s cry, and the boy’s life returned to him, and he lived. 1 Kings 17:22  

Many years ago, as I was crying out to the LORD, JESUS transformed my life to live daily for JESUS and the souls of people. For many years now, the daily cry of my heart is that people give their lives to JESUS as GOD works through my life. Yesterday, I didn’t realize that it was recycling day and I hadn’t taken the recycling to the curb. I heard the truck, so I got ready quickly. The men were kind and allowed me to get our recycling quickly. It was actually a Divine Appointment. I talked with the 2 men, got them some Powerades, and prayed with them to give their lives to JESUS! All praise to JESUS!  

Many of the greatest miracles and blessings in my life have not taken place until their was an intense cry in my heart unto the LORD!

Is there a cry in your heart for what GOD has called you to do? Are you truly spending quality and consistent time in prayer each day? What are you spending most of your time doing?  

Action Point

Write down what JESUS has called you to do. Then mark your Calendar and set a time each day to spend quality and uninterrupted time in prayer. Don’t let anything distract you or take your time away from that quality time that you have with GOD in prayer. This is one of the most important areas of your life! My friend, miracles will take place as you cry out to the LORD and spend quality time with JESUS in prayer!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

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