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Do You Spend More Time Reading Facebook or The Bible?

8Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. Joshua 1:8

There was a story of a young man graduating from college who wanted his wealthy dad to buy him a sports car. His dad invited his son into his study and presented him a nicely wrapped box. The young man opened up and got very angry as it was a Bible. Years went by and he didn’t talk much with his dad. However, after he had made plans to visit his dad, he received a phone call that his dad had passed away and had willed everything to him. While he was looking through his dad’s items, he found the Bible that he had received and he opened it up. There were a set of keys in the Bible with a note that said, “Paid in Full”. Tears began to stream down his face as his life could’ve been so much better if he would’ve just opened the Bible! I don’t know if this story is true, but it is very touching and makes a great point. There is so much that JESUS has for us – if we would just open the Bible!

How much time do you spend reading the WORD of GOD? How much time throughout the day do you spend meditating on the WORD of GOD? When you have free time – do you quickly scroll through Social Media or do you ready GOD’s WORD? These are some serious questions to answer because according to one study teenagers spend nearly 9 hours a day in front of screens. JESUS has given to us HIS HOLY WORD that can solve every problem, give victory over every sin, bring healing from every sickness, give joy in place of any depression, can set you completely free, and can lead you into eternal life! It’s time to read the WORD of GOD!

Action Point

Do you have some type of plan for reading the Bible and praying? My suggestion to you is to start a Bible reading plan or ask a mature Christian how they read the Bible and pray. It will radically transform your life for the good! If you have any questions on where to get started – post a comment below and by GOD’s grace, I will help to point you in the right direction. The LORD JESUS CHRIST has so much for you and you can find HIS promises in the WORD of GOD!

GOD bless you, my friend!