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Do You Want The Courage Of GOD?  

When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus. Acts 4:13  

Peter Cartwright was used very powerfully as an Evangelist in America during the 1800s. God worked through him in a powerful way and many souls were given to JESUS! There is a story of him traveling and needing to find somewhere to stay. He ended up staying at a hotel-type area where there was a dance going on. He usually would not go to something like that; however, the HOLY SPIRIT led him to go. He sat in the room and a lady came up to him asking to dance (That would be like a preacher going into a dance club today). Led by the HOLY SPIRIT, he fell to his knees and began to pray with great boldness. The lady began to weep. People all throughout the area began to weep and fall to the ground by the power of GOD. Revival broke out in that region and there was a Church started in that area! Peter Cartwright had spent time with JESUS!  

Do you walk with the courage and confidence of JESUS in every area of your life? There is no shortcut to the consistent presence of GOD working in and through your life. The only way is by intentional and consistent time with JESUS!  

Action Point  

Take a moment today and write down the time that you are speaking time with JESUS in HIS WORD and in prayer. My suggestion is to have an intentional time of devotion and prayer every day. Then intentionally focus on being led of the HOLY SPIRIT and being in conversation with GOD all throughout the day. When you hear GOD’s voice - that settles the issue! Do exactly what the HOLY SPIRIT tells you to do and experience continual victory in every area of your life!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #revival #spiritualawakening