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Don’t Act Too Quickly – Follow The LORD

49When Jesus’ followers saw what was going to happen, they said, “Lord, should we strike with our swords?” 50And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear. 51But Jesus answered, “No more of this!” And he touched the man’s ear and healed him. Luke 22:49-51

My wife and I wanted to get an SUV so that we would have more room family, ministry and the future. As we looked at different SUVs and talked to different people, even though some of the vehicles were nice, we didn’t have a perfect peace and affirmation from JESUS. Throughout the years, GOD has taught me the importance of not acting too quickly and waiting for GOD’s best! I noticed an SUV that I really liked, so I texted the number. A gentleman got back to me, we saw it and it was amazing (almost like brand new). The guy told me that he stopped showing the vehicle often because he had to travel a long distance. He said that when he saw my text that something inside of him told him that he needed to meet with me. He was not from a Christian background. He prayed to trust in JESUS! We got an amazing deal on the SUV and JESUS gets all of the glory! We didn’t act too quickly, but we followed the LORD!

What has GOD called you to do? Has JESUS brought a season of transition into your life? Can you remember the last time when you had to make a major decision that could effect you and the people around you? As a follower of JESUS CHRIST, we are called to be led by the HOLY SPIRIT! Sometimes we act too quickly and make the situation worse. GOD knows everything about everything and HE takes delight in leading HIS children! JESUS has a miracle for you and HE wants you to experience HIS absolute best for your life. We can have HIS best by being led of the HOLY SPIRIT!

Action Point

Whatever the situation may be, at work, in family, in a relationship, in a decision, a purchase, transition, etc., always pray and get direction from JESUS. Don’t go by what makes sense in the natural. Don’t go by what someone else says. Always seek to hear the voice of the LORD concerning the matter! Remember, you go to a trusted and GODly friend to confirm the WORD, not to get the WORD. Once you have GOD’s heart concerning what to do, move forward with all of your heart by the HOLY SPIRIT, expect miracles to happen, and trust GOD for the results! Let’s expect GOD’s best in every area of our lives!

GOD bless you, my friend!