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Don’t Be Distracted By The Other Voices

32While they were going out, a man who was demon-possessed and could not talk was brought to Jesus. 33And when the demon was driven out, the man who had been mute spoke. The crowd was amazed and said, “Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel.” Matthew 9:32-33

I remember once when stopping at a gas station in NJ, when GOD put someone very strongly on my heart. I know that JESUS wanted me to pray for him. However, from the outside, he didn’t look like someone that would be very receptive to the Good News of JESUS. I listened to the voice of JESUS and ignored the other voices. This man prayed to trust in JESUS CHRIST as his LORD and SAVIOR! Then, I remember a time when someone asked me if I ever talk about anything other JESUS and GOD’s work. It was a compliment to me! All I want to talk about and be a part of is day by day exactly what the HOLY SPIRIT desires to do in and through my life. Every other voice can keep moving by. JESUS gets all of the praise!

Can you remember the last time GOD had spoken to you to move forward doing something specific? What calling has JESUS placed in and upon your life? Have you started moving forward in that direction? Whenever we make a decision to by led by the HOLY SPIRIT and move forward doing what JESUS has called us to do, there will be distractions and opposing voices that seek to distract us from doing what GOD has called us to do. We are to stay focused, stay constant in prayer, rejoice, and keep doing what GOD has instructed us to do! It is miraculous living!

Action Point

Take time to get organized and focused on what GOD has called you to do. Once you clearly hear the WORD of the LORD concerning what HE has called you to do, then move forward in complete reliance upon the HOLY SPIRIT! GOD desires to work in and through you to share the Good News of JESUS, to heal the sick, to set people free, and that people may receive the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire to do what GOD has called them to do! It’s time for you and I to get up, move forward and do what GOD has called us to do – without compromise and in the fullness of the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire!

GOD bless you, my friend!