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Don’t Be Paralyzed By The Battle In Your Mind  

Jesus replied, “Let us go somewhere else—to the nearby villages—so I can preach there also. That is why I have come.” So he traveled throughout Galilee, preaching in their synagogues and driving out demons. Mark 1:38-39  

There were so many miracles that took place with the birth of our 2nd and 3rd sons! Gideon Malachi was truly taken care of at the hospital in a special way and all praise to JESUS for that! One of the nurses who I was able to pray for, was from an Indian Christian background (like my wife). I had seen another nurse outside the hospital not knowing that she would be helping to take care of Gideon. I then met her as she was taking care of Gideon. She prayed to trust in JESUS and was very helpful! The only way for people to be set free in their minds is through the LORD JESUS CHRIST! Malachi means, “Messenger of GOD”. We are believing for multitudes to hear the Good News!  

Are you being hindered or even “paralyzed” by battles that are going on in your mind? Does it seem like the battle will never go away? Maybe it is very intense even right now? My friend, GOD has given us the power in the HOLY SPIRIT to live in victory over every mind battle. It may not always be easy; however, we must align our lives with the WORD of GOD and by the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD!  

Action Point

Evaluate what you are looking at and what you are listening to throughout each day. Are looking at GOD’s WORD? Or are you looking constantly online or on Social Media? Are you listening to the HOLY SPIRIT, Anointed Preaching and encouragement from those who love you? Or are you listening to worldly music, gossip, or negativity from those around you? Be intentional when battles come to your mind to look at, meditate on, and speak out GOD’s WORD! Rely on the HOLY SPIRIT and keep going to the WORD! Rejoice my friend! GOD can use you in a powerful way!  

GOD bless you abundantly!!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

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