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Don’t Do Everything - Delegate!  

So the Twelve gathered all the disciples together and said, “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables. Acts 6:2  

Many people are well acquainted with the lives  Evangelist Billy Graham and Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke. It’s amazing how GOD used them both to bring multiplied millions of precious people to JESUS! They have probably shared the Gospel with more people than anyone in history. However, they both had an extraordinary team of gifted believers to walk with them and to help them accomplish what JESUS had sent them out to do! They didn’t do everything themselves, they were great at delegating! Many amazing believers were involved in what GOD was doing! And JESUS gets all of the glory!  

Are you overwhelmed with everything that needs to be done? Are you trying to do everything yourself? It’s extremely important for all of us to understand the power of delegation! GOD has made us all different and has gifted us in many ways, so that we can work together in spreading the Good News and seeing people come to know JESUS CHRIST as LORD and SAVIOR! It’s not all one person - it’s the Body of CHRIST doing what we have been called to do!  

Action Point

Pray and ask GOD what HE has called you to do and also what HE wants you to do only yourself. Make a list. Then pray and ask GOD who HE wants you to work with and what they would be best at doing. If you have a spouse and children, try your best to involve your family. Look how JESUS has gifted others, build relationships and stay focused on what GOD has called you to do! Don’t do everything - delegate!  

With JESUS - the Best is yet to come!

#pray #revival #souls #spiritualawakening #delegate #teameffort #JESUS