Don’t Forget Those Who Have Helped You!

You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me.” John 12:8

When is the last time you reached out to someone who helped you or poured into your life in order for you to be who JESUS has called you to be? There is so much power in genuine love and appreciation!

Yesterday was absolutely miraculous! As I’m writing this right now and knocking out my To-Do List, I’ve already had the privilege today to pray with 2 people to give their lives to JESUS! One in our neighborhood and one at the dry cleaners! And, also to encourage 3 people whom I prayed with to give their lives to JESUS months ago. One of the main reasons for an intense, daily passion for JESUS and souls started many years ago when a Pastor and Evangelist started pouring into my life. I consistently still reach out to him to pray for him and to show appreciation! JESUS gets all of the glory!


Who has helped you? Who has walked with you? Who has been there when others left? Who has encouraged you? What has believed in what JESUS can do through you? Make it a point to reach out to those amazing friends that GOD has placed in your life!

Have a great weekend and GOD bless you!