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Don’t Get Dull - Sharpen One Another  

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17  

It is so important to fellowship and to spend time with the Body of CHRIST! Recently, I was talking to a long time mentor and Pastor/Evangelist friend. A dear friend just recently went home to be with JESUS and we were talking about wonderful miracles of what JESUS has done! Since around the age of 21, my life has been miraculously and eternally changed by The HOLY SPIRIT working through specific people that GOD has brought into my life! From prayer to soul-winning to healing to the baptism of The HOLY SPIRIT and Fire - GOD has worked through wonderful friends and men of GOD in my life in such a powerful way! All praise to JESUS!  

Who are you spending time with? Or are you spending time with anyone at all? Are alone and fearful to be around people? Or are you spending time with the right people? The Bible clearly teaches us that it is very important to spend time with people! And it is also so important to spend time with the RIGHT people!  


Pray and ask GOD who HE wants you to spend time with. Look for someone who has similar calling and gifting - and who is also further along in what JESUS has called them to do! Many things are CAUGHT as well as TAUGHT - meaning that many times you begin to become more like those you are spending time with. Have the courage to reach out to someone and spend time with the Body of CHRIST around you - who are passionately following JESUS! When a Church Service is done - try not to just run out - but engage someone in conversation and encourage them! JESUS can use you powerfully, my friend!  

Have a great day and GOD bless you!

Evangelist Tyler Sain