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Don’t Let An Enemy Keep You From Speaking  

The priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to Peter and John while they were speaking to the people. Acts 4:1  

Once while at a convenience store, I was able to pray with about 3 people a prayer to give their lives to JESUS! By God’s grace, it was a wonderful experience. While I was leaving the store, I was talking to a young man whom God had put on my heart. As I was talking, someone came out of the store and said that I could not solicit on the property. I was kind; however, nothing and no one has the authority to tell me that I can’t share the Good News of JESUS! By God’s grace, the young man was very touched and gave his life to JESUS! I pray that the person who opposed gets saved and has a radical encounter with JESUS! JESUS gets all of the glory!  

What is stopping you from speaking and telling others about JESUS CHRIST? Who is opposing or telling you that you can’t pray or talk about these things at work? Why are you quiet and not speaking aloud the Name of JESUS to the people around you? My friend, life is too short to worry or to be fearful about what others may think or what may happen if you start telling everyone about JESUS. If you are a born-again child of GOD, you don’t have to fear anything or anyone at any time. The HOLY SPIRIT lives in and through you!  

Action Point

It’s time for you to live the Christian life by speaking the Christian life. Write the number 1 and the number 2 down on a piece of paper. Write down the name of 1 person with whom you want to share JESUS. Then write down a specific place where you desire to share JESUS such as the gym, work, grocery store, etc. Pray and rely upon the HOLY SPIRIT to share JESUS with one person and then at one place. You have the Answer, and HIS Name is JESUS! Don’t worry about what anyone says or how anyone feels – do what GOD has called you to do! Now is the time!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #spiritualawakening #revival