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Don’t Let Anything Get You Down  

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him. Psalm 28:7  

I had a lot of work to do concerning Ministry for the day. As I left home, I was going to share the Good News of JESUS and pray for someone before starting work. The first man was not receptive and I simply prayed for him. I have an intense desire that every person gives their life to JESUS, but that doesn’t happen every time. However, as I went throughout the day - I prayed with about 3-4 people who were very receptive and prayed to trust in JESUS! It was really miraculous all that JESUS did and HE gets all of the glory!  

What is trying to discourage you? Is it a battle in your mind that you can’t explain? Is it a relationship? Is it a tense work atmosphere? Maybe it is thoughts from the past? My friend, the answer to this battle that is trying to discourage you is simple and absolutely miraculous! Look completely away from yourself and everyone else - then look completely to JESUS, WHO you are in HIM, and WHO HE is in you!  

Action Point

Take a stand and make a decision today! Meditate on the wonderful Truth that you are a new person and that JESUS lives in you! Don’t look at the old you - look at the new you in JESUS CHRIST! Pray in the HOLY SPIRIT, pray with understanding, and rejoice! Look for someone to call, text or encourage and be blessing to someone today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

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