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Don’t Let “Good” Things Keep You From Best Things  

For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. Mark 8:35  

Dr. John G. Lake was used very powerfully throughout different areas of the world to see multitudes saved, multitudes miraculously healed, and for many to receive the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT and Fire. If you are hungry for JESUS to use you, I would recommend reading about what GOD did through him. He was being used in Ministry, but also much involved in regular business where he was making good money. At a certain point in his life in around 1907, he gave away nearly all of his money and went forth as an evangelist trusting completely in the LORD! He preached nearly every day to large audiences and miracles abounded through his life! He left the “good” to take hold of GOD’s best! All praise to JESUS!  

This is a season to be completely surrendered and devoted to JESUS and HIS work of saving the lost! GOD wants to work powerfully through you! Whatever is taking away your focus, time or energy away from JESUS and HIS work, I would recommend letting it go quickly and taking hold of GOD’s best for your life!  

Action Point

Think about these three questions, then make a decision to give your life to JESUS and for the Gospel! 1. Are you spending more time in the WORD of GOD and prayer or on social media and YouTube? 2. What does your conversation look like throughout the day and how often are you speaking to others about JESUS? 3. Is anything taking your focus from JESUS and HIS work? Now, rejoice and move forward doing that JESUS has called you to do - relying completely upon the HOLY SPIRIT!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#AllJESUS #JESUS #moveforward #souls #revival #spiritualawakening #thebestisyettocome #keepmovingforward #Rejoice #Joy #love