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Don’t Let Jealousy and Opposition Distract You  

Then the high priest and all his associates, who were members of the party of the Sadducees, were filled with jealousy. They arrested the apostles and put them in the public jail. Acts 5:17-18  

George Whitefield was one of the most important people whom GOD worked through in 2 Great Awakenings and Revivals in America. In the 1700s, he has been said to of preached at least 18,000 times and to more than 10 million people. There were multitudes who were saved, the generation was transformed and the power of GOD was experienced in a major way. He was most likely the most well-known preacher to the generation during that time. While there was great success, there was also very intense opposition. Many churches would not even allow him to use their building. Many criticized him for his preaching style. Many religious people were jealous. However, he kept moving forward preaching and doing what GOD had called him to do. Not only was that generation touched, but JESUS has used his life to greatly encourage and motivate future generations now and yet to come (including myself).  

Let me make it clear. If you are living for JESUS 100%. If you are intense about your relationship with JESUS CHRIST. If you are constantly sharing JESUS and soul winning. If you are laying hands on the sick and expecting them to recover. If you are casting out demons. If you are doing GOD’s work and you are not interested in anything of this world. If you have a burning passion to live like JESUS lived. My friend, you will face intense opposition and people will criticize you. However, JESUS is greater than any opposition and HE will see you through in victory! Don’t let opposition distract you from doing what GOD has called you to do!  

Action Point

Take your eyes and thoughts off of every opposition. Get focused on JESUS and what HE has called you to do! Rejoice every day! Do exactly what GOD tells you to do! Continually forgive and pray for everyone who opposes what GOD is doing in and through your life. Stay in an attitude of prayer. Constantly be led by the HOLY SPIRIT and live with a confidence that nothing is going to stop what GOD is doing in and through your life! Remember that the Bible says, “Greater is HE that is in you”. Now move forward rejoicing because you are on the winning side!  

With JESUS for us – the Best is yet to come!

#souls #revival #spiritualawakening