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Don’t Let Opposition Distract You  

After many days had gone by, there was a conspiracy among the Jews to kill him, but Saul learned of their plan. Day and night they kept close watch on the city gates in order to kill him. But his followers took him by night and lowered him in a basket through an opening in the wall. Acts 9:23-25  

I remember when I had to travel to multiple locations in one day as we are preparing for multiple Evangelistic Events. One of the first people I asked if I could pray for during the day seemed to not be receptive. I pray that this person is saved. Then as we went throughout the day getting things done, about 12 people prayed to trust in JESUS CHRIST! All praise to JESUS! We simply move forward led by the HOLY SPIRIT, rejoicing and sharing the Good News of JESUS everywhere we go! Whether it’s one person or a crowd of hundreds of thousands, every person is precious to JESUS!  

What opposition has been trying to distract you from doing what GOD has called you to do? Maybe it’s an attack against your mind? Maybe an unexpected situation? Maybe a specific relationship? Maybe a work atmosphere? Maybe simply people that don’t want to see you succeed? My friend, this is a good sign! Take a bold and confident stand! Don’t let any opposition distract you from GOD’s calling in your life!  

Action Point

Meditate and speak aloud GOD’s WORD and remind yourself of what JESUS has called you to do. Don’t look for anything from people. Look to the LORD JESUS CHRIST for everything that you need! GOD blesses us with many wonderful relationships; however, don’t look to people for blessing - look to GOD WHO is able to bless you exceedingly and abundantly above all that we can ask or think, according to HIS power within us! Talk to the HOLY SPIRIT - HE knows the perfect way! Bless someone today!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#AllJESUS #JESUS #moveforward #souls #revival #spiritualawakening #thebestisyettocome #keepmovingforward #Rejoice #Joy