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Don’t Let The Fear Of People Stop You!  

The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25  

What is stopping you from taking a step of faith and doing what GOD has called you to do? Three attacks that I have seen hold so many people back is: 1. The fear of people - 2. An ongoing battle in the mind (many times linked to fear) - and 3. A self-focused life. My friend, now is the time to take authority over the lies and fears, trust in JESUS, serve others, and begin walking in the fullness of what GOD has called your life to be!  

The HOLY SPIRIT led my son and I to a specific parking lot in New Jersey. I talked and prayed for one lady. I felt like there was more to do. I talked to a man that GOD put on my heart. As I was about to pray for him, another man walked up who I had prayed for about 1 year before. He had an amazing testimony of what GOD had done. We all prayed together a prayer to trust in JESUS! I then had a wonderful conversation with the gentleman I had prayed with about a year ago. Then, we were able to pray with a man who was about 80 years old. Only JESUS can do that and HE gets all of the praise! I’m so thankful that years ago, JESUS set me completely free of the fear of people!  

Action Point

Make a decision today! As led by the HOLY SPIRIT, pray and get alone with GOD in HIS WORD and in prayer, until the breakthrough comes! JESUS wants you to walk free! Turn off social media for a while, turn off the opinions of others, and look only to JESUS! Like the Bible says in Colossians: “Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” Then move forward and do what JESUS tells you to do!  

Rejoice and have a blessed day!! GOD bless you!!

Evangelist Tyler Sain

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