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Don’t Stop Giving Until JESUS Takes You Home  

This promise belongs to you and your children and to all who are far off—to all whom the Lord our God will call to Himself.” Act 2:39  

There have been studies that show that when someone retires or is unemployed without any work or responsibilities that they age quicker than those who continue to work. I know a Pastor who is over 80 years old and is still sharing the Good News of JESUS and mentoring others. His mind is sharp, and he looks younger than many who are around his same age. Smith Wigglesworth was not baptized in the HOLY SPIRIT until he was about 48. However, GOD used Smith Wigglesworth to save and heal multitudes, to shake nations and even to see people raised from the dead. All praise to JESUS!  

No matter what age you are in life, GOD has a plan for you! JESUS can use to share the Gospel, to heal the sick, to cast out demons, and to set people free! No matter what season you find yourself in today, it’s time for us to be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT and to move forward doing what GOD has called us to do. Keep giving what GOD has placed in your hands until JESUS takes you home! GOD desires to touch someone through you!  

Action Point

Ask GOD how HE wants you to be involved in his work. Maybe it’s helping at your Church or with a Ministry. Maybe it’s mentoring someone or being there to pray for someone on a regular basis. Maybe it’s to give of your finances or resources into a Ministry to help get the Good News of JESUS out to others. Maybe it’s to spend time helping a specific family. Whatever the HOLY SPIRIT tells you to do, do that! There is so much joy in continuous giving!  

GOD bless you, my friend!

#souls #revival #spiritual awakening